Bastinado or Bastonade is corporal punishment that came to us from medieval France. Those guilty were publicly beaten in the square with sticks or rods, beaten on the back, buttocks and legs.
But not only France punished the guilty in this way, in the Middle Ages it was a common punishment in Asia, even Muslims applied it to the guilty. But if in Europe it was a beating of almost the entire body of a person, then in other countries practicing bastinado, the guilty were beaten only by the feet and, in rare cases, the hips. If we turn to history, we can see that in many cultures, this method of punishment was used by the head of the family in relation to his household, in case of disobedience. Thus, he called for order in the family and complete submission, showed his strength and power.
In some cultures and peoples, they did not limit themselves to the usual beating of the feet, somewhere they cut off the skin, somewhere they simply cut the feet themselves, so that a person suffered from pain for a long time. There are facts in history that for especially terrible misconduct, a person’s legs were simply cut off, but this was an extreme case and it was practiced only in some nations. It was used to prevent people from running away.
In sex, the bastinado is used not for punishment, but for pleasure.
The essence of bastinado lies in the fact that there are a large number of nerve endings on the feet, and if you influence them correctly, you can excite and deliver erotic pleasure. Some girls get turned on by a skillful foot massage, here the technique is about the same. It is worth remembering, especially for beginners in this matter, that you do not need to make a lot of effort to strike, the whip should only “caress” and tease the skin of the feet.
In addition to the rod, you can also try to play, for example, in contrast, then tickle with a feather, then whip, or take an ice cube and some kind of warm object and alternate touches. You can use wax, just heat it and alternate it with ice, or melt it and drip it on the skin, you can try different clips, place them on your toes.
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