Wooden donkey, also known as a wooden horse, mare, Spanish horse, armchair of the Jews. It originated as a torture instrument in 17-19 centuries in Japan. As a rule, this torture was applied to Christian women, but the medieval inquisitors did not make an exception for men.
The essence of the torture process is as follows: a completely naked victim is seated astride an acute angle, in fact, a blade, which, under the influence of the weight of the tortured, digs into his intimate places. With the strength of the legs, it is possible to rise above the “donkey” for a short time, but soon inevitably slips back, and thus, as if riding a horse, or having sex with him, which adds to the victim’s humiliation and happiness to the executioner. During such torture, it is recommended to tie the hands and, ideally, fasten them to the ceiling in order to exclude the possibility for the tortured person to use them as a support and alleviate his torment.
In some sources, it is recommended to hang weights at the feet of the victim, or vice versa, to substitute stands so that they can be reached only with the fingertips, and, if the executioner wishes, they can be removed. Also, due to the suspension by the hands, you can control the degree of pressure on the perineum and, accordingly, the level of pain.
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