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Sadism (named for the French writer Marquis de Sade, who described it) - in a broad sense - a tendency to violence, taking pleasure in humiliating and torturing others. The concept of "sadism" was first introduced into scientific use by Kraft-Ebing in the monograph "Psychopathia sexualis" published in 1886.

In Sartre's philosophy, sadism is a form of relationship to the Other, in which they try to identify existence with the body through pain.

Sexual sadism is a form of sexual behavior in which the means of obtaining excitement and pleasure is to cause suffering to a partner.

In BDSM, sadism is one of the Top's behavioral patterns.

Psychological sadism (moral sadism, psi-sadism) is a form of sadism in which not physical, but psychological, moral suffering is inflicted on the victim (in the form of humiliation, insults, threats, etc.).

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