Despite the fact that tickling (and in a simple way - tickling) is becoming more and more famous among us, for many it is still a completely incomprehensible action. First, let's talk about tickling as a fetish.
The tickling community has been around for a long time. Roles in it are similar to positioning in BDSM. There are ticklers (in fact - Top), tickles (Bottom) and Switches. However, these roles should not be confused with positioning, fetishes have nothing to do with it, they are not chosen. Such fetishists can either have nothing to do with BDSM at all and not want to have it, or they can take any role in BDSM.
For lovers of tickling, sessions with him often bring sexual pleasure. Tickling to orgasm for tickles is possible and desirable. However, the process itself, being a fetish, can bring a lot of pleasant experiences. For example, tickling aimed at the feet may not be alien to some foot fetishists.
In BDSM, tickling can be used both for the same purposes and as torture or punishment.
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